Page Creator

This window allows you to design and place the components of the puzzle anywhere on the page. Select which components you want to use, drop them where you want them and stretch the components to the size you want.


A number of options are available for each puzzle component. Right clicking on any component in the layout section opens a context menu of options available for that component. Or left click on the Objects button and select the component to be edited.


 Crossword Construction Kit > Print Puzzle > OK  


In this field assign a name to the layout design you are about to create, to distinguish it from others already developed.
Paper Size
A drop down list of paper sizes allows you to select the size of paper that you will design the layout on and ultimately use for print. You can choose between legal, letter, A4, A5, B5, Executive and custom sizes.


Select either Portrait or Landscape to choose the paper orientation you prefer.

Custom Paper Size

Selecting Custom Paper Size displays additional fields for specifying the paper width and height in centimeters. Or select the Inches check box to specify the width and height in inches. NOTE: Some printers will not support custom paper sizes. Results may vary.


Crossword Objects
The following crossword objects may be included in the page layout: Title, Puzzle, Across Heading, Down Heading, Across Clues, Down Clues, Word List, Bonus Question and Combined Clues. Each of these items may only be used once in the layout. A description of the available items is listed below:


Title - The name assigned to the puzzle is placed within the title box.

Puzzle - The actual crossword puzzle and shape is placed inside the puzzle box.

Across Heading - This box contains the heading for the Across clues.

Down Heading - This box contains the heading for the Down clues.

Across Clues - All of the Across clues are placed in this box.

Down Clues - All of the Down clues are placed in this box.

Word List - This object displays all of the puzzle words used in the puzzle.

Bonus Question - Use this object to include a bonus question with the puzzle.

Combined Clues - The Combined Clues combines the Across Heading and Clues and the Down Heading and Clues into one component. The position for Headings and Clues will be adjusted automatically within the component.


Other Objects 
In addition to placing puzzle components on the layout, you may include text fields, images, rectangles or circles. Note: More than one of each of these items may be inserted into the layout. However, there is a maximum of twenty crossword and other object items that may be used in a single layout.


Text - This free form field provides a place to insert any text comments, rules, explanations, etc. After adding the text box to the layout, right mouse click on the box in the layout. From the context menu, left mouse click on Change Text and enter the text into the edit box that opens.

Image - Insert a bitmap, .jpeg or .png image onto the page layout to enhance the overall look of the puzzle. You may want to lay a skeleton puzzle over the top of an image for a special effect.

Rectangle/Circle - Place rectangular or circular patterns in the page layout. Insert a colored rectangle or circle beneath one of the Crossword Objects to provide a color contrast if printing the puzzle in color.


See the Tutorial - Creating a Page Layout help topic to learn more about creating a new layout.


Placement and Sizing of Objects

To place an object on the paper size you selected, first click on the icon, such as Title. Next, move the mouse to the paper grid and click the spot on the grid where you would like the puzzle Title to appear. A small box with the word Title is placed on the grid. Also note that the Title icon has been "grayed" out, indicating that you can not add a second title to the layout.
Click on the Title box within the grid and it will be outlined with small squares in the corners and midpoints of each line. With the mouse pointing inside the box, the cursor changes to the symbol of a hand. While the hand symbol is displayed, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse. The box will follow the movement of the mouse. You can reposition the box to any spot on the grid. Release the mouse button when you have the box positioned correctly.
To resize the object, point the mouse to one of the small squares in the corners or midpoints of each line. Pointing at one of these squares will change the mouse pointer into a double-sided arrow. When the double-sided arrow appears, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse.
Moving the mouse away from the box will enlarge it, while moving toward the center of the box will decrease the size. Resizing from the corners will either increase or decrease the box height, width or both, depending on which direction you move the mouse. Resizing from the midpoints of the top or bottom lines will adjust the height of the object. Sizing from the midpoints of the two vertical lines will adjust the width of the object.



Small, Medium, Large

Click on these buttons to see different size views of the layout.


Click on File | Save or the Save icon to save your work. The new layout will now be listed in the Puzzle Page Layouts window with the title you provided.