Crossword Construction Kit Window


The Crossword Construction Kit window consists of the menu commands and a list of puzzles created. Categories may be defined and puzzles are stored in those categories.  Highlight a puzzle category to display all puzzles saved to that category.




The menu items provide access to all areas of the program, from editing to setup and more. The icons provide quick access to program functionality.


New Puzzle

Click on this icon to open the Create New Puzzle window and start working on a new puzzle.


Play Puzzle

Highlight a puzzle found in the Puzzles column and click on the Play Puzzle icon to load a java version that allows you to solve the puzzle on screen.


Print Puzzle

Highlight the puzzle to print and click on the Print Puzzle icon to start the print process.


Delete Puzzle

Select the puzzle or puzzles from the list and click the Delete Puzzle icon to remove them from the list and file.


Note: To make changes to an existing puzzle, double click on the puzzle name in the Puzzles column. This displays the Modify Existing Puzzle window where changes may be made and saved.



Puzzles are assigned to categories to help more readily find a puzzle already created and saved. The category is assigned to the puzzle at the time the puzzle is created or modified. Categories may be set up by subjects, interests, dates, uses or any other method that will help you quickly find a puzzle. Click on a category to see all of the puzzles assigned to that category.
In the example above there are twelve puzzles saved to the Puzzles Volume 1 category. Double click on one of the puzzles to edit that puzzle. Or highlight the puzzle and click on the Play, Print or Delete button to perform the action required.


Status Bar

The status bar at the bottom of the windows displays three items.


·The program license status.

·The number of puzzles contained in the open category.

·The name and location of the puzzle (.cw3) file in use.