

Crossword Construction Kit window > Options > Preferences > Appearance

Dictionary Language
Crossword Construction Kit provides eight dictionaries that may be used for spell checking puzzle words and clues.


Dictionaries Available


English (U.S.)

English (U.K.)







Choose at Spell Check Time

If you plan to create puzzles in more than one language, use the Choose at Spell Check Time option. When the spell check process is started, you will be prompted to select a language.


Languages available

Dictionaries are available in English (U.S.), English (U.K.), Spanish, Italian, French, German, Dutch and Swedish. Select the dictionary that you want as the default. The spell check will occur in the language chosen.


The Crossword Construction Kit supplies an English (U.S.) and an English (U.K.) thesaurus. These are available to help generate clues when creating the puzzle.


Select the thesaurus option preferred. If using the Choose at Thesaurus Use Time option, you will be prompted to choose between the U.S. and U.K. versions when the thesaurus is activated.